Today is the deadline to register for the Bowers Elementary Grandparents' Day Breakfasts! The form will close at 7 PM. Thank you to everyone that has registered! We look forward to seeing you! Visit the following link to register -
3 days ago, Emily Palmer
last call
Update from the RCS Transportation Department: Bus 3 will be about 30 minutes late this morning.
4 days ago, Emily Palmer
Good Morning, Bowers Families! Bus 3 will be about 15 minutes late this morning due to a car blocking the road. Thank you for understanding!
4 days ago, Emily Palmer
Good Morning, BES Families! Bus 91 will be at least 25 minutes late; Bus 7 will be helping with the route.
19 days ago, Emily Palmer
Good Evening, Bowers Families! This is a reminder that beginning of the year paperwork should be turned in tomorrow. Additionally, if your child is in grades K-3 and they want to attend the dance camp on Saturday with the Sweethearts and Boyz, they need to turn in their permission slip and $30 by tomorrow morning to their classroom teacher. We hope you have a great evening!
23 days ago, Emily Palmer
don’t forget
We have a saying here at Bowers that all students are our students. What does that mean? When a student, no matter whose class they're in, needs help, love, attention, or support, we all jump in and do what we can when we are able. On Monday, a sweet Kindergarten student was nervous about getting on the bus. It was new. It was scary. Ms. Makayla Harrison, who was on bus duty at the time, could see that the student was struggling with this new procedure. Without hesitation, she hopped on the bus with the student and provided much needed comfort and support...until they arrived at the next stop where the student had a friend hop on, and Ms. Makayla got booted from her seat! We are blessed at Bowers to have staff members willing to do what it takes for students. Thank you, Ms. Makayla, for being an example of what it means to be the BESt!
25 days ago, Emily Palmer
Don’t forget! Our first PTO meeting of the year will be this afternoon, Monday, August 12, at 5:30 PM in the library. We hope you will join us!
27 days ago, Emily Palmer
Don’t forget! Our first PTO meeting of the year will be this afternoon at 5:30 PM in the library. We hope you will join us!
Good Morning, BES Families! Bus 00 will be Bus 52 this morning and will be about 15-20 late. Thank you for understanding!
27 days ago, Emily Palmer
On Thursdays, we wear pink! Help spread some love and kindness throughout the halls of our school by wearing pink every Thursday. We hope that our students choose to be the “I” in “KIND”!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
choose kindness
Good Afternoon! Students who ride bus 91 will be arriving late this afternoon. They will be dropped off by Bus 16 driven by Ms. Gio. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
Good Morning, Bowers families! Bus 92 will be about 15 to 20 minutes late this morning. Thank you for understanding!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
Students on Bus 00/28 who have not been dropped off will be home shortly. The bus has broken down but another has picked them up. Thank you for understanding!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
Good Morning, Bowers families! We have additional bus route updates. Bus 2 will be running about 20 minutes late this morning. Bus 91 will be Bus 28 and will be running about 20 minutes late also. Thank you for understanding!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
Good Morning, Bowers families! Bus 00 will be Bus 38 this morning, and she is running about 15 minutes late.
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
Welcome back, BES Families! We are so excited about the upcoming school year! Here are a few important reminders and announcements for this week. Our BES "Meet the Teacher" event will be held tomorrow, Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Join us for an afternoon of fun and engagement! All Bowers Elementary students will receive a free Smiley Swirl ice cream and food bags from the cafeteria! Don't forget to stop by the PTO table, Sweethearts table, and the gym for games with Harriman Parks and Rec. Kindergarten Orientation will begin at 5:00 PM. Our first day of school will be this Friday, August 2, 2024. It will be a half-day for students. Our doors open at 7:30 AM with the tardy bell ringing at 8:10 AM. Buses will run on our half-day, so please be ready a few minutes early for our bus drivers. Dismissal will begin at 11:41 AM. Our before and after school program will not be open on Friday. BASP will be available starting Monday, August 5, 2024. We hope to see you at Meet the Teacher and look forward to a great school year!
about 1 month ago, Emily Palmer
meet the teacher
Attention families of Summer Learning students, don't forget to bring back your sealant permission slip form this week. Wednesday, June 5, is the last day that forms can be returned.
3 months ago, Emily Palmer
dental sealants
Please remember that we do have summer school tomorrow, Friday, May 31, 2024. Our Monday through Thursday schedule starts next week and will continue through the end of summer school. We are thrilled with how well the first week has gone. So much learning taking place!
3 months ago, Emily Palmer
Please Remember…  We have summer school tomorrow, Friday, May 31, 2024.  Our Monday through Thursday schedule starts next week and will continue through the end of summer school.
Summer Learning begins tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28, 2024! Bus routes will begin at 7:00 AM. We appreciate your patience as we adjust to the new summer routes. Doors open at 7:45 AM for car riders. Classes begin at 8:00 AM. Look for a summer learning calendar to come home showing our days in session and special activities. Students are encouraged to bring a backpack for important papers. A water bottle and snacks are also recommended. Dismissal will begin at 3:00 PM. We still have openings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. Please contact the office if you are interested in your child attending. It's going to be a great four weeks of summer learning!
3 months ago, Emily Palmer
summer learning
Don’t forget to join us this evening at the End of the Year Bash being held at Harriman Community Center from 5:00 - 7:30 PM!
4 months ago, Emily Palmer
Don’t forget to join us this evening at the End of the Year Bash being held at Harriman Community Center from 5:00 - 7:30 PM!
5th Grade Promotion will be held at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Monday, May 20. Kindergarten promotion will be held at 1:00 PM. If you plan to attend, please arrive 30 minutes before to check in to the office. You will need your ID in order to attend.
4 months ago, Emily Palmer
moving on up